
Sunday Nov 27, 2022
Diet and rheumatoid arthritis
Sunday Nov 27, 2022
Sunday Nov 27, 2022
As the cliche goes, you are what you eat. But did you know it might be linked to rheumatoid arthritis?
Honours student Shweta Venkataraman and supervisor Dr Chloe Goldsmith have been investigating the link between diet, the immune system's T-cells and rheumatoid arthritis.
For this research they recruited Fuzzy host Rod, who agreed to provide a detailed account of his weekly diet. From that, they derived a detailed nutrition analysis. They used a blood sample to measure T-cells and later will investigate his epigenetic profile.
Join Shweta, Chloe, Camille and Rod for a fascinating conversation.
Find out more at www.canberra.edu.au/about-uc/faculties/health/research/participate-in-a-research-study

Sunday Oct 09, 2022
Geodesy: A guide for epic journeys
Sunday Oct 09, 2022
Sunday Oct 09, 2022
This week Fuzzy Logic celebrates Earth Science Week as Broderick talks to Nick Brown and Anna Riddell both geodetic scientists from Geoscience Australia. They explain and explore the world of geodesy and the role it plays in helping us track the movements across our planet and the movements of our planet to make sure our GPS is accurate for our journeys, along with many other applications.
Thanks to Geoscience Australia for providing these two amazing scientists for this week's episode.

Sunday Aug 28, 2022
The case for steady state
Sunday Aug 28, 2022
Sunday Aug 28, 2022
What are the causes of our environmental crisis and how do we fix it? Jonathan Miller argues that we should address the fundamental issue, which is the addiction to growth.
That means a transition to a steady state economy. But what does that look like and how do we get there?
Interview by Eamon and Rod.

Sunday Aug 21, 2022
Back from the dead
Sunday Aug 21, 2022
Sunday Aug 21, 2022
What happens when a species goes extinct? Obviously the best course is to avoid it in the first place, but there are plans to resurrect the Tasmanian tiger and the woolly mammoth.
We talk about a few projects that are creating safe havens for species, helping them to recover from bushfires and cats.
Brought to you by Millie, Camille and Rod.

Monday Aug 15, 2022
Geoscience Saving the World
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Monday Aug 15, 2022
From melting ice sheets to endless floods and extreme storms, the news lately has been a bit bleak. But science is fighting back and giving us hope for better world.
From up in space to deep beneath the Earth’s surface, scientists at Geoscience Australia in Canberra are working to make our planet more sustainable - through satellites whizzing above our heads to uncovering the low-emission fuels of the future underneath our feet.
Dr Andrew Feitz and Dr Aleks Kalinowski are part of a team of hydrogen and low carbon gurus at Geoscience Australia, while Dr David Hudson is the Director, Satellite Programs at Geoscience Australia. Tune in to this episode to hear these amazing geoscientists talk to Broderick about how they're helping to save the world!

Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
National Science Week 2022
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
This week Broderick discusses the many events happening across the ACT for National Science Week 2022. He's joined in the studio by Heidi from Kids Securiday, Peter from FungiCo and Prof Lara Malins from the Australian National University who each share some of the interesting science being showcased at their events.
National Science Week is from August 13 to 21 and event details can be found at www.scienceweek.net.au

Sunday Aug 07, 2022
Climate change and hope vs despair
Sunday Aug 07, 2022
Sunday Aug 07, 2022
Is the climate crisis a science problem? Not according to our speaker. Climate change is caused by people - us - and must be resolved by people. We have the tools if only we can use them.
In this talk with the Canberra Jung Society, Fuzzy Logic's Rod Taylor discusses the psychology of climate change and the other environmental problems.
What does it mean to have 'hope' and how do we convert despair into action?
These stories are inspired by his book Ten Journeys on a Fragile Planet.
With thanks to our friends at the Canberra Jung Society.

Monday Jul 04, 2022
Banning Nuclear Weapons - Tilman Ruff
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Tilman Ruff is one of the founders of the movement that has led to the creation of the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Here he speaks about how the world's nuclear weapons have the continuation of our civilisation balancing on a knifes edge and the treaty trying to bring an end to these weapons.
Recorded on 17 June
Interviewed by Tom

Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Science and comics with Stuart McMillen
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
This week Broderick talks to local Canberra cartoonist Stuart McMillen. Stuart uses intriguing real-life historical events, such as published science experiments, as the basis of his non-fiction comics.
This episode talks about comics as a form of science communication and explores "Rat Park" and Stuart's newest release "The Town Without Television". Find all of Stuart's work at www.stuartmcmillen.com

Friday Jun 03, 2022
Archaeology in PNG - Ben Shaw
Friday Jun 03, 2022
Friday Jun 03, 2022
Ben Shaw is an archaeologist and senior lecturer in the School of Culture History and Language at the ANU (Australian National University). We talk about his work in Papua New Guinea.
Interviewed by Tom